How SEO can help your company

Have you ever heard of SEO? If you have no idea what is or at least don’t know how you can use it to your advantage, you can hire a freelancer. At Fiverr, you can find a wide variety of freelancers and also freelancers who can help you to make sure that other people are able to find your company’s website. You can read honest reviews of Fiverr here. But first, you should know what SEO does and how it helps your company to find your company.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is basically a combined name for the tools that are needed to make sure that people are able to find your company on the internet. Via SEO, your company will be higher on the list when people use Google to search for a keyword or multiple keywords. Think of the words travel insurance for insurance companies or hotels in America for a chain of hotels. Customers and clients often look at the first four or five results that appear on their screen after they entered a search. SEO contains the tools that are needed to make sure you are among those first few hits.

Backlinks and Links

One of the things that SEO focuses on is that there the URL of your company is linked at various places on the internet. The more links to your website the internet contains, the more important Google believes you are. Therefore, Google will put you higher on the list of results when someone looks for a clothing web shop. You are, after all, considered important if many people talk about you.


Familiar Names

Links are not the only thing that can improve your SEO. Even the fact that your name pops up at a wide variety of different websites gains you importance in the eyes of Google. Therefore, the name of your insurance company, dating site or web shop should be mentioned all across the internet. That is also the reason why reviews, even the negative ones, might help you improve the profitability of your company.


Your company website should include a large number of keywords mentioned in longer texts. So go ahead and describe your products and services to your customers. Even if no one will read the complete text, it helps Google to find you, or at least the URL to your website. Web pages with only a few sentences are not as interesting to Google as longer pages with more information and keywords. And if your customers or clients use some of these words in their reviews (which most of them do) these keywords will be linked to your company. To give you an idea: when people are looking for a new sofa or dressing table, they might be directed to your homeware shop because you have all of the things that they are looking for.


Via SEO, more cstomers will be able to find your shop. Therefore, the tools that we mentioned here will help you to increase your profit.