Methandrostenolone, popularly known by its trade name Dianabol is a very powerful anabolic steroid that was most commonly used by weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders for enhancing strength and for muscle development. This steroid is more famous for its ability to improve fat-free mass. The special feature of this steroid is that it helps to increase glycogenolysis and protein synthesis simultaneously. This is considered as an ideal steroid for the bulking purpose. It can be taken in a short cycle for muscle enhancement and for increasing strength.
Dianabol is available both in tablet form and as the injectable solution. However, most of the users prefer tablets over injections. Dbol is the only anabolic steroid that was mainly developed for the sole purpose of performance enhancement. Just like all anabolic androgenic steroids, Dianabol also carries negative side effects. The most common side effects that are caused by Dianabol include Gynecomastia and excess water retention or bloat. So before starting use of Dianabol, it is always best to be concerned about benefits and side effects that Dianabol offers. Dianabol is considered as the topmost steroid that builds muscle mass much faster than any other oral performance-enhancing anabolic steroids.
Many Dbol users reported that they experienced an increase in strength and weight gain after just 5 days of Dianabol use. However, the initial mass gains may be water weight. Because of the aromatizing effect of Dianabol, water retention is caused. So if you want to increase only lean mass, then using an aromatase inhibitor during the cycle will minimize the effect of bloating. Results could be better if you follow exact diet and fitness regimen. Dianabol cycle dosage should be kept low to know your body’s reaction or tolerance to the drug. At the start, Dianabol can be taken in a short cycle for muscle enhancement and if you notice that you are susceptible to a couple of not-so-nice side effects, then you can stop the Dianabol cycle immediately. So that you don’t want to get subjected to even more serious health problems.
Taking Dianabol in excess quantity can suppress the body’s ability to produce the male hormone testosterone or can cause an enlargement of breast in males called gynecomastia. Apart from this, Dianabol common side effects include hypertension, high levels of low-density lipoprotein, and low levels of high-density lipoprotein. One of the great advantages of Dianabol is, many of its side effects can be minimized but as Dbol falls under the category of 17aa steroids, its usage for an extended period of time causes serious liver damage. For this reason, Dianabol cycles should be kept short to protect liver function. It is always better for the user to spend equal time of duration of the steroid as of on-cycle duration and by doing this liver values can return to the normal range. For a first time Dianabol user, the dosage range would be 20 mg per day to 30 mg per day. Exceeding this dosage can lay down the path to the side effects. So following the exact dosage and the exact cycle is always required to experience great results with fewer side effects.